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Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a small succulent plant that has been used as a medicine for centuries. Clear gel from the leaves of Aloe Vera is used for the treatment of various skin conditions. The following are the benefits of using Aloe Vera gel on the skin:

  • It helps treat sunburn:Aloe Vera has potent healing powers that help enhance activity at the epithelial levels of the skin. Aloe Vera acts as a protective layer on the skin and because of its nutritional qualities; it helps heal the skin more quickly.
  • Natural Moisturizer: Aloe Vera is a natural moisturizer that replenishes the moisture in the skin without giving it a greasy, gluey feel. It is perfect for anyone who wants to treat dry skin problem without having to worry about oily skin.
  • It treats acne: Aloe Vera gel contains two compounds that have wonderful anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Auxin and Gibberelins are the two hormones that stimulate skin growth and reduce skin inflammations. This leads to minimal scarring and hence allows the treatment and prevention of acne.
  • Anti-Aging: Aloe Vera also plays a key role in tightening the skin and it helps keep skin refreshed and hydrated. This wonderful ingredient can reduce wrinkling and bagginess and makes your skin appear fresher and younger.
  • Reduces the visibility of stretch marks:  Our skin is like a big piece of elastic and that can expand and contract as required, to accommodate growth. However, if the skin stretches too fast, or too far, the elasticity of the skin can be damaged. This leads to stretch marks that can appear to be ugly. The application of Aloe Vera gel helps reduce the visibility of these stretch marks.
  • Helps soothe periodontal disease:Aloe Vera is rich in natural chemical compounds that make it a wonderful medicine. Research has shown that these compounds also help with the treatment of gum diseases such as gingivitis. It is a powerful antiseptic and thus helps with the treatment of various dental conditions such as ulcers, bleeding gums, and denture stomatitis.

Even though Aloe Vera is considered to be the best solution to every skin condition, it is advised to take precaution in case of any medical conditions such as diabetes or hemorrhoids. The use of Aloe Vera may cause irritation to the skin in case of allergies. If you do experience any unwanted side effects, you should stop taking the Aloe Vera.