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Lavender, an alluring scented herb has been a widely used beauty herb for more than two centuries. In these days, the skin care products are filled with its essential oil and fragrance. All kinds of body shower and facial products contain lavender in them. Have you ever imagined what could be the special reasons of using lavender excessively in skin care products? If you have, then there you go with the answers.
Lavender as a Vigorous Herb
The credit to sooth and pacify the small burns, cuts, wounds and allergic infections goes to lavender. Due to its antiseptic, anti-allergenic and antibacterial qualities it is extensively used in body oils and gels/creams for external use. Moreover, it is suitable for all types of skin, whether oily or dry, it works magically. It contains a balanced amount of certain contents that can protect skin from the effects of aging, heal skin damage and even skin tone. The lavender or the products containing lavender promotegrowth and regeneration of cells; consequently, skin’s upper layer resuscitates itself.
Benefits of using Lavender
As of today, the aroma therapists and dermatologist agree on using lavender as a beauty care treatment. Even its oil is used worldwide to keep the skin looking young. No chemical product or makeup foundation can treat the scars, infection and acne so well rather than lavender. So far, it is the safest and most beneficial herb for keeping the skin in a beautified, healthy and young condition.